Monday 11 February 2013

Case Study 4: Echoing in ears


 Once, a close friend of mine, and a well known doctor, consulted me for his ear problem.  When he speaks, the voice echoes in his ears. He had already consulted many of his colleagues with this issue. And at last a senior physician from a reputed hospital gave him a prescription to be used for the rest of his life. 
As a part of my usual medical examination I enquired about his thirst. He told me that he is very thirsty but often restraint himself from taking water from the clinic for the fear of getting infected with some diseases from the patients coming to his clinic. He was very obese, and perspires too much.

 For me the selection of an appropriate remedy was quite easy as I had to choose between either Phosperous or Causticum. Compared to Cauticum, Phosperos was more cheerful, lean and thin.  Considering both his physic as well as his mental makeup I decided to give him Causticum. 

He never again complained of reverberating in the ears. Now days, he reads homeopathic Materia medica and tries homeo medicines for different cases. 

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Saturday 9 February 2013



One day a boy with a sad face brought a fish in a bucket, full of water. The fish was upside down, dying. There was only a very slow movement of the gills –the only sign, the fish was alive. The boy asked “Can you do something for this fish?”

I was perplexed for a moment. Suddenly I rose from my seat and grabbed Carbo Veg and poured it into the bucket.

After one hour the fish was swimming happily in the bucket. The child was also happy.

I still don’t know what were the mental, general, physical symptoms of the fish. Or from what disease the fish was suffering from. One thing I could prove was Homoeopathy is effective for fish also. (There is already a veterinary therapeutics for animals). Homoeopathy is a goddess continue meditating her, She will bless you in selecting the exact medicine at the appropriate time.(I am lucky –for these are chances you get once in a life time). 

Sometime later I visited one of my schoolmates in his house, whose wife was sick with some Cardiac problems. She was discharged from a famous hospital with a huge oxygen cylinder beside her bed. She was advised to use it, because the oxygen level in her blood was below normal. My friend asked me, “Can you do something?”. I gave her the same medicine which I had given the fish. After one week I was able to remove the oxygen mask from her face. She is taking Carbo Veg Once in a week and maintains the oxygen level. (The normal oxygen saturation level in Blood when measured with Pulse-oxymeter is 98%.)

After a period of three months, a doctor friend called me. His son was suffering from Asthma and said sadly his oxygen level in blood is below normal. I told him to try Carbo Veg. Two days later the doctor again called me to tell that the oxygen level has become normal. Some are introducing oxygen mask on the face of patients and I am trying to remove it.  

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This is a case of a 4 months old baby, who was suffering from constipation .Usually the stool has to be removed mechanically. The stool was hard. Her appetite had diminished, but was thirsty, by drinking water.  She had an aversion to milk. She always wanted somebody to carry her. She had a habit of putting one finger in mouth. She had ectopic dermatitis during birth which was treated with some external applications.   
Barium meal X-ray revealed “Doubtful short relatively narrow distal segment”
Considering the symptoms I prescribed her Colocynth. After ten days the child was again brought to the clinic with no relief. Reconsidering the case I took suppression of the skin complaints and gave Sulphur. After period of one month the dermatitis repapered slightly and disappeared by itself. Now the constipation and every other complaint the child had disappeared

Once again barium meal X-Ray was taken and revealed “NO OBVIOUS NARROW SEGMENTS” 

The Scan reports of the patient are also included here. To keep privacy of the patient, the patient details are removed from the Scan report.

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